I was searching through my filing cabinet yesterday and stumbled across this picture in the taxes folder. I have no idea how it go there, but I had to post it. I think this was on the Lama hike. We look so young, but pretty much the same. If you can't tell, we are washing are faces while we were camping. We sure had our priorities straight! Ahh, good times. Miss you all.
Seeing this pic made me laugh out loud for a couple minutes. We sure were/are crazy! I would love to go on a llama hike again with you girls!
That is a sweet picture, but girls you weren't as cool as us canooers!! I just might bust out some old pics, I think I have one of Rachael laying on the ground after she had just tripped! Good times.
i think i have that one somewhere. I don't know why Rach, but that fall was so much funnier than an ordinary face plant!
Bring on the canoe pics Kell..
I totally don't know what you girls are talking about. ;) Please tell me you are kidding me by the way.
that pic made me laugh, but the reminder of rach falling is making me laugh even harder. double-O-C. remember how dudes wife hated us on that trip?? i don't know what her problem was. and amy getting puked on by her llama? ahh, the memories are pouring in. i think i'll look through some pictures myself. i know i have a good one of molly with a gun and cute little parker. molly what was that thing you would say in one of your weird voices? "hello, parker moose" something like that???
you don't remember when we were walking back from the school building, it was dark, and you fell off those boards that bridged the small dith? One second you were there with us and the next you were lying in the ditch with your feet and hands in the air! Oh, tooooooo funny.
Jolene, I do remember what you are talking about. Molly used to say something in that voice. Was it, "Brother Ladle?" I can't remember
I am laughing so freaking hard right now. I totally forgot about falling down in the ditch. I am totally clumsy. You don't even know how many times I fell on my mission and since. Oh boy. Thanks for the reminder.
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